Now offering same day appointments
Same Day Appointments It is our goal to provide the highest quality service and care, in a convenient and friendly setting. That is why we accept same day appointments when possible. We understand that you have a busy schedule, and we want to work with you to make veterinary care easier for you and your pets. Please give us a call and we will try to accommodate your request to the best of our ability. Thank you for choosing us as your pet’s health care provider, we appreciate the role we
Dental Month
Its national pet dental month! At Stokewood Vets we are passionate about promoting good dental hygiene for all our patients to keep them smiling! All too often we see pets come into the practice that are in need of having their mouths cleaned under general anaesthetic. Because of this we are excited to let our clients know that during the months of February and March we are offering £30 OFF dental scale and polish procedures. Why do we recommend dentals? The purpose of a dental scale and polish is to remove calculus/tartar from the teeth. We recommend this
Stokewood Vets is awarded as a Cat Friendly Clinic
Stokewood vets has achieved accreditation as a Silver Cat Friendly Clinic (CFC), and we aiming to achieve the Gold accreditation in the next few months.
Exciting New Refurbishment
Stokewood Veterinary Practice is very pleased to announce that a full refurbishment of the practice commenced In November 2019
Nurse Clinics
Did you know that our team of highly skilled qualified veterinary nurses are available to offer help and advice on all aspects of pet care, from practical puppy socialisation through to caring for a pet with a medical condition such as diabetes or arthritis?
What are allergies? When a normally harmless substance (which for most animals poses no problem) is identified by the allergic animal as a ‘threat’, their immune system produces an inappropriate response, resulting in the symptoms that we see.
Why is dental health for pets important?
Just like you, your pet needs to maintain healthy teeth and gums. But unlike you, they cannot do this by themselves!
Spring is Here
It’s time to put the winter coat away (well… maybe keep it close by for a few weeks yet
Buying a cat or a dog?
If you are planning to buy a pet dog or cat, it is important that you make some basic but important checks.
Keeping Your Pets Comfortable in Harsh Climates
Whether it’s cold and dry where you are or you’re completely snowed in, be sure to keep your pets happy and healthy.